You are living together, you’re not married, do not combine your finances, do not put your names on each other’s stuff. You know when it comes to houses or cars, don’t pay on each other’s debts like, keep everything very, very simple and clean by keeping it separate. And then once you get married, you combine it all because sadly we have found that doesn’t always work out the way you think it does. And if your money now is going to someone else, that’s not advancing your future. That’s not great. And then untangling the web of having each other’s name on everything, it’s exhausting instead of just breaking up to break up. And then now number two.
I would say that studies are coming out and we’re seeing more and more data that when you live together before you’re married a couple things happen. The divorce rate does go up, and then the level of commitment and engagement doesn’t always occur at the pace of what if you weren’t living together and when you act like you’re married, but you’re not. Things can just get very complicated, so always remember that.
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